The application uReport is a system of notification about security events as well as daily life events. The uReport app enables you to video-record or to live-stream the events eye-witnessed by you and to report them to other users. The app is equipped with a list of categories and subcategories of events that can be conveniently chosen by you as a reporting user. Other users receive a pop up notification with a video of the categorized event and its location on the map. If there is immediate danger in close proximity the users can avoid the dangerous area. Users can experience being real reporters and be informed of important things that happen around us. Moreover, the app enables you to set a price for your video and put it up for sale. uReporters unite into a network of unique content reporters!
App's main features:
- Easy to start
- Very intutitive
- Exciting design which includes icons that depict different categories of events.
- Life stream capacity
- Excellent replayability
- Interactive map that shows where the events take place.
- Notification system
- List of event categories and subcategories
- Scale of danger (in the case of a security event) or of excitement (in the case of something interesting or amusing)
- The videos can be viewed on the website, sorted by category and other parameters
How to use the app:
- You witness a security event or simply something exciting or amusing from daily life
- Start the app and video-record or live-stream the event by pressing the relevant button
- Select the category and subcategory of the event as well as the scale of its danger or conversely of its excitement
- Report the event to other users who receive it as a pop up.
- You can put the video up for sale by setting its price
Aplikasi uReport adalah sistem pemberitahuan tentang peristiwa keamanan serta peristiwa kehidupan sehari-hari. The uReport aplikasi memungkinkan Anda untuk video rekaman atau hidup-streaming acara mata disaksikan oleh Anda dan untuk melaporkannya kepada pengguna lain. Aplikasi ini dilengkapi dengan daftar kategori dan subkategori peristiwa yang dapat dengan mudah dipilih oleh Anda sebagai pengguna pelaporan. pengguna lain menerima pop up notifikasi dengan video dari acara dikategorikan dan lokasi di peta. Jika ada bahaya di dekat pengguna dapat menghindari daerah berbahaya. Pengguna dapat mengalami menjadi wartawan nyata dan diberitahu tentang hal penting yang terjadi di sekitar kita. Selain itu, aplikasi ini memungkinkan Anda untuk mengatur harga untuk video Anda dan meletakkannya untuk dijual. uReporters bersatu menjadi sebuah jaringan wartawan konten yang unik!
Fitur utama aplikasi:
- Mudah untuk memulai
- Sangat intutitive
- Desain Menyenangkan yang meliputi ikon yang menggambarkan berbagai kategori kejadian.
- Kapasitas aliran Hidup
- Replayability baik
- Peta interaktif yang menunjukkan di mana acara berlangsung.
- Sistem Pemberitahuan
- Daftar kategori acara dan subkategori
- Skala bahaya (dalam kasus peristiwa keamanan) atau kegembiraan (dalam kasus sesuatu yang menarik atau lucu)
- Video dapat dilihat di website, diurutkan berdasarkan kategori dan parameter lainnya
Cara menggunakan aplikasi:
- Anda menyaksikan peristiwa keamanan atau hanya sesuatu yang menarik atau lucu dari kehidupan sehari-hari
- Mulai aplikasi dan video rekaman atau live-streaming acara dengan menekan tombol yang relevan
- Pilih kategori dan subkategori acara serta skala bahaya atau sebaliknya kegembiraan nya
- Laporkan acara untuk pengguna lain yang menerimanya sebagai pop up.
- Anda dapat menempatkan video untuk dijual dengan menetapkan harga
The application uReport is a system of notification about security events as well as daily life events. The uReport app enables you to video-record or to live-stream the events eye-witnessed by you and to report them to other users. The app is equipped with a list of categories and subcategories of events that can be conveniently chosen by you as a reporting user. Other users receive a pop up notification with a video of the categorized event and its location on the map. If there is immediate danger in close proximity the users can avoid the dangerous area. Users can experience being real reporters and be informed of important things that happen around us. Moreover, the app enables you to set a price for your video and put it up for sale. uReporters unite into a network of unique content reporters!
App's main features:
- Easy to start
- Very intutitive
- Exciting design which includes icons that depict different categories of events.
- Life stream capacity
- Excellent replayability
- Interactive map that shows where the events take place.
- Notification system
- List of event categories and subcategories
- Scale of danger (in the case of a security event) or of excitement (in the case of something interesting or amusing)
- The videos can be viewed on the website, sorted by category and other parameters
How to use the app:
- You witness a security event or simply something exciting or amusing from daily life
- Start the app and video-record or live-stream the event by pressing the relevant button
- Select the category and subcategory of the event as well as the scale of its danger or conversely of its excitement
- Report the event to other users who receive it as a pop up.
- You can put the video up for sale by setting its price